维斯塔斯将提名丹麦第26任首相Helle Thorning-Schmidt为董事会成员
作者:每日风电 2019/01/16 浏览:5621 企业

The Board of Directors of Vestas Wind Systems A/S is pleased to announce that Mrs. Helle Thorning-Schmidt has agreed to be nominated as a member of the Vestas Board of Directors for election at the Annual General Meeting on 3 April 2019.



The election of Helle Thorning-Schmidt will follow Vestas’ standard rules for election of new members to the Board, ref. Vestas Wind Systems A/S Articles of association.


In Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Vestas has found a strong candidate who has the core competencies for the work of the Board and with her experience can support Vestas becoming the global leader in sustainable energy. Helle Thorning-Schmidt shares Vestas’ aspiration to meet the growing global energy needs sustainably and address climate change by making the existing energy system sustainable, and she will provide extensive insights into the political conditions around government-regulated industries such as the energy industry, as well as a global network and experience from managing complex organisations.(维斯塔斯认为Helle Thorning-Schmidt有能力胜任公司董事会成员一职,并以她的经验支持维斯塔斯成为全球可持续能源领导者。Helle Thorning-Schmidt拥有与维斯塔斯共同的愿景,即以可持续的方式满足全球日益增长的能源需求并通过将现有能源系统可持续化来应对气候变化,她将会为政府管制的行业,例如能源行业的政治环境提供深远的见解,同样也会利用她在全球的关系网与管理复杂机构的经验。)


Full information on proposed members of the Board of Directors will be provided in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting, which will be disclosed on 27 February 2019.

